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[CSS]高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスタイルシート | コリス


Beware though, browsers don't let you throw arbitrarily large values at them. They have limits. Exceed that limit and the columns will expand to the padding-bottom value and you'll end up wiuth some pretty long pages. Fortunately, we know the number of that limit (which is actually provided by Safari which is the most conservative browser in this matter): 32767px. This should suffice for most cases (though feel free to use a smaller value) and yields us code like this:

Equal Height Columns - revisited - In search of the One True Layout


1 各要素(h2,p,etc..)を全て同じ高さに揃えるタイプ。例外も設定できる(class名を使う)
(『Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and AJAX』のサポートサイトのサンプルソース)

Beginning Javascript With DOM Scripting And Ajax: From NOvice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)

Beginning Javascript With DOM Scripting And Ajax: From NOvice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)

2 はてブで知られてるやつ。揃えたい複数の要素の親要素にclassを指定するやり方。
